Projekt IV. – Active citizenship by making life long learning among Seniors a reality

The project “Active citizenship by making lifelong learning among seniors a reality”, Agreement number 2018-1-PL01-KA204-051144, is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education.

The project collects 5 partners from Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany and Bulgaria in strategic partnership.

The main aim of the project is to support older people (60+) in acquiring and developing key competences, in order to foster socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in civic and social life. Moreover the project implementation will contribute to addressing diversity and promote – in particular through and integrated approaches – ownership of shared values, equality, and non-discrimination and social inclusion through preparing, testing and evaluating – directed at seniors – tools for educators and trainers using also ICT –tools – to activate and educate seniors in the area of global education related to the current challenges of the modern world.

Kick-off meeting in Krakow

In the period 18-21 march 2019 in Krakow, Poland, was held the first meeting of the coordinators engaged in implementation of the Erasmus + project “Active citizenship by making lifelong learning among seniors a reality”. In the meeting participated the project partners from Bulgaria, Slovenia and Slovakia. German partner was excused.

On the first day the guests participated in workshop dedicated to the project management, they meet leaders from Seniors Clubs founded by Kolping Society and visited the Sanctuary Ecce Homo in Krakow.

On the next day the guests participated in art workshops with Mrs. Barbara Łepkowska, prepared for polish seniors in framework of successful realized project of Kolping Poland. On the afternoon the project leaders visited one of the most active Kolping Senior Clubs in Bochnia.

The main goal of the project is the support for elderly persons (60+) in their acquisition and development of key competences and their social and educational development and participation in social life.

This project is implemented with the support of the European Commission in the framework of Erasmus + project.

Second TPM was held in Bulgaria

In the period 17 – 20 June 2019 in Dobrich, Bulgaria, was held the second partnership meeting under the Ersmus+ project “Active citizenship by making lifelong learning among seniors a reality”.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the five partner organizations: Kolping International Association (earlier: Kolpingwerk e.V.) from Germany, Fundacja Dzieła Kolpinga from Poland, Kolpingovo dielo na Slovensku from Slovakia, Andragoski zavod Maribor – Ljudska univerza from Slovenia and the hosts – Avangard Personal Consulting from Bulgaria.

The main goal of the meeting was to be presented forms and ways of activating (including social) and motivating older people (helping adult learners (seniors) develop skills in acquisition of knowledge, regulating their emotions and adapting to change, resolving problems and overcoming obstacles. Guidance and motivation strategies were discussed, which encourage low-skilled/ low-qualified seniors, to develop and upgrade competences and skills.

The guests from the partner organizations had the opportunity to get more information about the different types of activities dedicated to the motivation and activation of the elderly people in Dobrich and the region. In this connection, meetings and visits were held: with the Chairwoman of the Seniors clubs in Dobrich, in the Architecture and ethnographic museum “Old Dobrich” and the Ethnographic house in the town, with the Director of The Regional Library “Dora Gabe”, with the Deputy Mayor of Humanitarian Activities in Municipality of Dobrich, with a group of seniors from a local organization in Varna working on different projects for motivating and activating of seniors and with a representative of a senior club in Balchik.


Pictures from the meeting are avilable in gallery and on our facebook page