KYE in Štiavnické Bane 27.-29. november 2015





From 27th till 29th November 2015 meets the board members of Kolping Youth Europa and the engaged youth leaders from 5 countries in Stiavnicke Bane, Slovakia.
The main goal of the meeting was to prepare the strategy of the youth work and the time schedule for the year 2016. The participants discussed also the possible statutory amendment.
The most important planned meetings
in Krakow/Poland (24-31.07.2016)
in Alsopahok/Hungary (22-25.09. 2016)

Tasks for the next period
· Improve the international work – we have more and more participants from many countries
· Strength international activities
· Exchange our experiences
Another topics
· Geocaching – explaining of the action
· Job shadowing – offered by Erasmus+, discussion and big interest among the members
Information about additional international meetings prepared with cooperation with single countries comes soon!

During this meeting was held the Skype conference with Kolping Youth Serbia, who organized on the same time the team building seminar an the 14. anniversary of the founding Kolping in Serbia.

Patricija Kwapik, Polska

Projekt IV. – Active citizenship by making life long learning among Seniors a reality

The project “Active citizenship by making lifelong learning among seniors a reality”, Agreement number 2018-1-PL01-KA204-051144, is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education.

The project collects 5 partners from Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany and Bulgaria in strategic partnership.

The main aim of the project is to support older people (60+) in acquiring and developing key competences, in order to foster socio-educational and personal development, as well as participation in civic and social life. Moreover the project implementation will contribute to addressing diversity and promote – in particular through and integrated approaches – ownership of shared values, equality, and non-discrimination and social inclusion through preparing, testing and evaluating – directed at seniors – tools for educators and trainers using also ICT –tools – to activate and educate seniors in the area of global education related to the current challenges of the modern world.

Kick-off meeting in Krakow

In the period 18-21 march 2019 in Krakow, Poland, was held the first meeting of the coordinators engaged in implementation of the Erasmus + project “Active citizenship by making lifelong learning among seniors a reality”. In the meeting participated the project partners from Bulgaria, Slovenia and Slovakia. German partner was excused.

On the first day the guests participated in workshop dedicated to the project management, they meet leaders from Seniors Clubs founded by Kolping Society and visited the Sanctuary Ecce Homo in Krakow.

On the next day the guests participated in art workshops with Mrs. Barbara Łepkowska, prepared for polish seniors in framework of successful realized project of Kolping Poland. On the afternoon the project leaders visited one of the most active Kolping Senior Clubs in Bochnia.

The main goal of the project is the support for elderly persons (60+) in their acquisition and development of key competences and their social and educational development and participation in social life.

This project is implemented with the support of the European Commission in the framework of Erasmus + project.

Second TPM was held in Bulgaria

In the period 17 – 20 June 2019 in Dobrich, Bulgaria, was held the second partnership meeting under the Ersmus+ project “Active citizenship by making lifelong learning among seniors a reality”.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the five partner organizations: Kolping International Association (earlier: Kolpingwerk e.V.) from Germany, Fundacja Dzieła Kolpinga from Poland, Kolpingovo dielo na Slovensku from Slovakia, Andragoski zavod Maribor – Ljudska univerza from Slovenia and the hosts – Avangard Personal Consulting from Bulgaria.

The main goal of the meeting was to be presented forms and ways of activating (including social) and motivating older people (helping adult learners (seniors) develop skills in acquisition of knowledge, regulating their emotions and adapting to change, resolving problems and overcoming obstacles. Guidance and motivation strategies were discussed, which encourage low-skilled/ low-qualified seniors, to develop and upgrade competences and skills.

The guests from the partner organizations had the opportunity to get more information about the different types of activities dedicated to the motivation and activation of the elderly people in Dobrich and the region. In this connection, meetings and visits were held: with the Chairwoman of the Seniors clubs in Dobrich, in the Architecture and ethnographic museum “Old Dobrich” and the Ethnographic house in the town, with the Director of The Regional Library “Dora Gabe”, with the Deputy Mayor of Humanitarian Activities in Municipality of Dobrich, with a group of seniors from a local organization in Varna working on different projects for motivating and activating of seniors and with a representative of a senior club in Balchik.


Pictures from the meeting are avilable in gallery and on our facebook page

Projekt III. – Posilnenie globálneho povedomia v lokálnych komunitách

V septembri 2014 Kolpingovo dielo vstúpilo ako partner do projektu  Posilnenie globálneho povedomia v lokálnych komunitách (Strengthening global awareness in the local communities – Kolping 2020 Strategy).

Lídrom projektu je Nadácia Kolpingovho diela v Poľsku a ďalšími partnermi okrem Kolpingu Slovensku sú aj: Kolping Rumunsko, Kolping Slovinsko, Kolping Litva a Kolping Nemecko. Projekt je podporený z programu Erazmus+

Spoločne sme sa rozhodli ako mimovládne organizácie, ktoré majú spoločné idey a podobné smerovanie, posilňovať globálne povedomie a zorganizovať s týmto cieľom v priebehu troch rokov viacero medzinárodných ale i lokálnych podujatí.

Čo je globálne vzdelávanie

Globálne rozvojové vzdelávanie (GRV) je vzdelávací prístup, ktorý vedie k hlbšiemu porozumeniu rôznorodosti a nerovností vo svete a príčin ich existencie. Odhaľuje možnosti riešenia problémov, ktoré sú s  s týmito globálnymi témami spojené. Podnecuje všetkých zainteresovaných bez ohľadu na vek ku skúmaniu otázok ako napr. chudoba a k ich prepojeniu s každodenným životom. Narúšaním stereotypov a podporou nezávislého samostatného myslenia sa snaží globálne rozvojové vzdelávanie pomôcť rozvíjať aj praktické zručnosti a prispieť k pozitívnym zmenám v lokálnom aj globálnom merítku.

„Globálne vzdelávanie je vzdelávanie, ktoré otvára myseľ a oči ľudí voči komplexnejšej realite sveta

a prebúdza potrebu prispieť k väcšej spravodlivosti, rovnosti a ľudským právam pre všetkých.

Globálne vzdelávanie zahŕňa rozvojové vzdelávanie, vzdelávanie o ľudských právach, o udržateľnom

rozvoji, o mieri a prevencii konfliktov, interkulturálne a multikulturálne vzdelávanie, smerujúce ku

globálnym dimenziám vzdelávania k občianstvu“.  (Maastrichtská Deklarácia globálneho vzdelávania, 2002).


Ďalšie dôležité informácie o cieľoch a princípoch globálneho vzdelávania nájdete tu:

Ciele a princípy globálneho vzdelávania

Mimovládne organizácie priniesli na školy viaceré témy, akými sú napríklad problematika chudoby, spravodlivý obchod, zmena klímy, trvalo-udržateľný rozvoj, či práva detí. Zamerali sa na školenia učiteľov, prípravu metodických príručiek, didaktických materiálov, videofilmov, či interaktívnych výstav, workshopov so žiakmi. Učitelia aplikovali témy z oblasti GV najmä počas predmetov, ako je občianska výchova, etika, náuka o spoločnosti, geografia, ale aj výtvarná výchova. Na niektorých školách sa realizovalo projektové vyučovanie alebo aktivity v rámci mimoškolskej činnosti. Niektoré školy si v rámci školského programu vytvorili špecializovaný predmet, zameraný na GV.

Medzinárodné podujatia v rámci projektu

 Aktivity projektu Erazmus + na Slovensku:

SK – Príklady globálneho vzdelávania na Slovensku – Erazmus+

EN – Minutes- Examples of teaching global education issues – Slovakia EN


Lokálne aktivity v rámci projektu

1. úvodný Workshop “Čo je to globálne vzdelávanie”

Venue: The Kolping House, Štiavnické Bane,
Date: 18. April 2015
Theme: – úvod do globálneho vzdelávania
Target group: členovia Kolpingu Slovensko – dospelé osoby
Number of participants: 22
Na workshope boli na predstavené ciele globálneho vzdelávania všeobecne vo svete a následne bolo poukázáné aj na špecifiká v stratégii a v kontexte globálneho vzdelávania na Slovensku. V druhej časti workshopu sa usktočnila podrobná diskusia k niektorým témam globálneho vzdelávania: demokracia, chudoba, multikulturalizmus, Fair Trade, média a podobne. Záver workshopu sa uskutočnil v teréne a bol zameraný na zodpovednú spotrebu potravín a meranie ekologickej stopy. 1. časť workshopu viedol Ján Marko – PhD. Student of international relation (Matej Bel University, Faculty of political science and interantional relations a 2. časť PhDr.Margita Marková, projektkoordinator of Kolpingovo dielo na Slovensku

Meeting “Migration and refugees in present context”

Venue: The Kolping House, Štiavnické Bane,
Date: 4.-5 July 2015
Theme: objasnenie situácie súviacej s prílevom emigrantov
Target group: členovia Kolpingu Slovensko – dospelé osoby
Number of participants: 15
Meeting mal 2 časti: “Migration and refugees in current context” a 2. “Refugees as security threat?” obe časti were presented by Jan Marko, PhD. Student of international relation (Matej Bel University, Faculty of political science and interantional relations). At first he stressed out the important difference between migrants in general and refugees specifically ant the typology of the migration. Next section of presentation included institutional and legal frameworks on three analytical levels – global, european and slovak,
which defined most important actors and legal norms concerning migration or refugees (e.g. UN, UNHCR, ICRC or IOM). The final part of the speech illuminated the wide context of causes of refugee crisis in Europe as well as european reactions and actions. In the end an brief analysis of refugees as a source and subject of security threats which should be considered more as potential or challenge towards the host societies. Účastníci si pozreli aj dokument o živote takých imigrantov na území SR, ktorým už bolo udelené občianstvo a žijú na území SR niekoľko rokov.
Another speaker was the Praeses of the Kolping Society Pavol Zaťko who pointed out a moral aspect of the problem. He debated the attitudes of big countries and their values and outlined a Christian concept of introducing permanent justice and solidarity among the people of different opinions and beliefs.
The participants were led to understand the main differences between migration and the refugee situation. Also, they were informed about the current international measures and possible approaches on the territory of Slovakia.

3. Event: Nuclear Energy – Benefits and Risks

Venue: vrch Sitno pri Banskej Štiavnici
Date: 1. September 2016
Theme: – predstavenie rizík a výhod atómovej energie
Target group: dospelé osoby a mládež
Number of participants: 38

Prednášteľom bol expert Ing. Ivan Daniel, ktorý pracuje v atómovej elektrárni v Mochovciach pri reaktore. Na Slovensku sú v prevádzke 2 atomové elektrárne a téma je veľmi aktuálna aj na medzinárodnej úrovni, napr. Rakúsko má veľké výhrady k práci týchto elektrární. Podujatie sa uskutočnilo na vrchu Sitno pri Banskej Štiavnici, odkiaľ je práve výhľad na atómovú elektráreň v Mochovciach.
Prednášateľ vysvetlil základné princípy jadrovej energie, venoval sa otázkam bezpečnosti jadrových elektrární a vplyvu jadrových elektrární na životné prostredie, na jednej strane negatívny vplyv jadrového odpadu, na druhej pozitívna stánka je, že pri výrobe jadrovej energie neuniká do ovzdušia CO2.
Pri tejto príležitosti sa počas tohto podujatia konala aj omša s príhovorom prézesa Pavla Zaťka, v ktorom poukazoval na mnohé nemorálne jednania ľudstva v globálnom zmysle a vyzýval k zodpovednosti občanov pri riešení enviromentálych a sociálnych problémov.

4. Seminar: Encyclical „Laudato Si“ and the global involvement of an active citizen

Venue: The Kolping House, Štiavnické Bane,
Date: 2nd -3rd January 2016
Theme: – introduction of social encyclicals which have had global impact with the particular focus on the encyclical Laudato si .
Target group: young people 20 to 35 years old.
Number of participants: 16

The Kolping Society in Slovakia encourages its members and sympathizers to be socially active citizens.
The national Praeses of the Kolping Society in Slovakia Pavol Zaťko and the project coordinator PhDr. Margita Marková were the lecturers.
Pavol Zaťko gave an overview of social encyclicals in the given historical context, starting from Rerum novarum by Pope Leo XIII from 1891 through more recent
social encyclicals. He also highlighted their urgency and the importance of putting them in practice in the current society.
Margita Marková introduced the encyclical of Pope Francis – „Laudato si“, which focuses on global ecological problems and the involvement of citizens in these issues.
The encyclical encourages individuals to feel responsibility for the state of the Earth and nature in view of future generations. Each of us has to care about our „common home“. Pope Francis addresses individuals, families, local communities, countries and international communities and urges everyone to convert to ecological issues and to lead a dialogue among different nations and religions. The encyclical emphasises the internal link within the world and the connection between poverty and the vulnerability of our planet. In spite of the vulnerability, plundering and the abuse of our planet, the encyclical is hopeful, highlighting the idea that „humanity still has the ability to work together in building our common home“ (13) and men and women are still capable of intervening  positively“ (58), because „Human beings, while capable of the worst, are also capable of rising above themselves, choosing again what is good, and making a new start.“ (205). The above can and must be done through honest discussions and responsible decisions.
Both lecturers, as leading forces of the Kolping Society in Slovakia, presented the participants the chance to get involved in both social and ecological issues by means of national and international Kolping Society events and encouraged them to join in various programmes.